
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Woah! I'm on Nokia Ovi!

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I'm not really tech-savvy. Though I'm a big Sci-fi fan, I haven't used a mobile phone with a touch screen until recently (My friends who are reading this are probably cringing in embarrassment!).  I've always gotten unsolicited advice from well-meaning folks  on how to add widgets and what-have-you on my blog site and Facebook page.

So you can just imagine my amazement when my new Twitter pal, Macy, introduced me to the Nokia Ovi AppWizard  last month and then...voila! 

I'm a Nokia App!

Customized Rain's Travels ad from Nokia Ovi! 

As Macy explained to me, the Nokia Ovi AppWizard is basically a tool to help people build and publish mobile apps to showcase their content or brand. The good thing about this tool is that it does not require any investment cost (In short, it's FREE!! )  and it comes without risk (Well, okay, maybe a little risk if you happen to publish some controversial content).  With the Nokia Ovi AppWizard, my Rain's Travels blog  can now be accessed by Nokia users in the Philippines and other countries around the globe. All they have to do is download my mobile app at the Nokia Ovi Store. (Again, for free!)
It has just been a few weeks since my  Rain's Travels mobile app has been available through Nokia Ovi. I must admit that it has helped drive traffic to my site.  It gave me some bragging rights, too. I'm now part of a group that has its own Nokia mobile apps such as National Geographic, Pro Pinoy Project and Food Network. 
So to anyone with a Nokia mobile phone, take note that you can download Rain's Travels and other mobile apps to keep yourselves updated about travel, fashion, sports, current events and other interesting stuf here and around the globe. And to my fellow bloggers, if you want to post your site's content at Nokia Ovi, just send me an e-mail or DM me @RainsTravels. :-)  It'll be my way of giving back. Hopefully you can also have your own "Woah!" experience. 


  1. Is this limited to travel bloggers only?

  2. It's not limited to travel bloggers! :-) Give it a try!


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