Monday, December 5, 2011

Meet Traveler Diane

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On Travel Tuesday, I'll be featuring my first guest post. It's from Diane Arevalo, a wanderlust working in Malaysia. She went on a trip to Bangkok with her boyfriend Franz , a shutterbug based in  Singapore (and the person behind  The two have traveled to many places together and their trip to Thailand’s capital is just one of their many fun and challenging adventures.

 Aside from traveling, Diane loves cats
and Pad Thai.

Diane’s impression of  Thailand?  “The Thais reminds me of Filipinos. Their hair smell great and look great --a level higher, I have to admit. A metro token lady who kindly offered us directions looked like Kristine Hermosa (a Filipina celebrity). The billboards and the streets were littered with men who were too handsome that they look feminine - clear skin and rosy cheeks.  The weather felt pretty much the same with the Philippines. Most of our days there were cloudy. (It was) very conducive for walking, getting lost, eating and walking again.”

Find all about her exciting adventure soon!

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